Contact Details

Kementerian Alam Sekitar dan Kesihatan Awam

Ministry of Environment and Public Health
Address:Tingkat 2, Wisma Masja, Jalan Medan, 93360 Kuching, Sarawak
Tel:+6082-319614 / +6319613
Fax:+6082-31 1216


Tang Tang Hu
24/05/2011 01:51PM
I just want to make a complaint regarding the illegal swiftlet farming operation at Bintangor. Before that I already make three complaint to Jabatan Hutan Sarawak but there was not action been taken out. We facing the sound pollution every day and night because they switch on the swiftlet music 24 hours and the most important issue HYGIENE problem we having. I hope that your departmant will take an serious and quick on that matter.