Kolej Perkembangan Awal Kanak-kanak (KPAKK) - KPAKK

Kolej Perkembangan Awal Kanak-Kanak is a tertiary education offering both diploma and degree in Early Childhood Education. Kolej Perkembangan Awal Kanak-Kanak was established with the mission to provide the community from the lower income bracket with an education opportunity set in a conducive learning environment.

The aims to produce the best in the industry by providing our future teachers a thorough understanding in all aspects related to ECCE such as curriculum development, evaluation, age appropriate activities, health and nutrition, child safety as well as management skills in running a centre. In addition to this, our teachers in training will gain an awareness of the different developmental aspects of a child; cognitive, physical, emotional, creativity, language and esthetics in children. 

Our diploma is suitable for those seeking to explore into the field of psychology and sociology focused in the Early Childcare Education. Students that enrol in our program will be trained in both theory and practical aspects of ECCE to ensure that they obtain a strong foundation in becoming a trained professional in the industry.

Our college aims to produce the best in the industry by providing our future teachers a thorough understanding in all aspects related to ECCE such as curriculum development, evaluation, age appropriate activities, health and nutrition, child safety as well as management skills in running a centre. In addition to this, our teachers in training will gain an awareness of the different developmental aspects of a child; cognitive, physical, emotional, creativity, language and esthetics in children.

The Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) with Honours program conducted in KPAKK’s Damansara Damai campus is a franchise program in collaboration with University Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). This program exposes the undergraduates on the application of knowledge and experience towards children from different cultures and abilities in sucessfully implementing an effective method of teaching and interaction with them. The main objective of this progrm is to produce graduates who are able to effectively interact with children in a learning environment using a variety of teaching strategies and management skills. Students in this program will ultimately be exposed and taught on the principles of child development through the use of curriculum, theory and assessment in each element of the early childhood education that follows the local curriculum-based preschool guidelines.