AmBank (M) Bhd - Kuching, Jalan Haji Taha Branch

Contact Details

Address:Bangunan AmBank, Lot 257, Section 8, Jalan Haji Taha, 93400 Kuching, Sarawak
Tel:+6082-42 2992 / 082-20 7066
Fax:+6082-25 6600
Operating Hours:Mon - Thu : 8.45am To 4.15pm
Fri : 8.45am To 3.45pm
Sat : 8.45am To 11.15am
(Closed on first and third Saturday of the month)

Operating Hours

Mon - Thu : 8.45am To 4.15pm
Fri : 8.45am To 3.45pm
Sat : 8.45am To 11.15am
(Closed on first and third Saturday of the month)