Business Travel Government Sekolah Ku Public Holiday

SK Perempuan Bukit Kuda

Ruangan Untuk Pelajar

Ruangan ini dikhaskan kepada pelajar yang sedang belajar dan pernah belajar di sini.
Jumlah Ahli: 1
Daftar sebagai ahli

Ahli Terkini

Tahun belajar: 1981 - 1986
Menjadi ahli di sini sejak: 10/04/2010
Hi, my name is Jessica Lasares. I'm an ex pupil of this school from the year 1981-1986. I have fond memories of this wonderful school. This school had made what I am today. I hope one day u can organise a get together for the old students. My best wishes to all the teachers in this school.