Business Travel Government Sekolah Ku Public Holiday

SMK Ulu Sugut (Malinsau)

Masih Ku Ingat ...

Ruangan ini hanya untuk cerita mengenai pengalaman belajar, mengajar atau melawat ke SMK Ulu Sugut (Malinsau) sahaja. Cerita berunsur kebencian, politik, boleh menyinggung perasaan individu atau kumpulan yang lain dan lain-lain perkara yang tidak sihat tidak dibenarkan di sini.

30/05/2010 03:14PM
let's go fishing...
one of the things that really fascinates me about this interior part of the state is it's fishing spots...i've been here for the past 5 years...i enjoy every moment of my teaching life here. talk about the challenges that i( and most of my colleagues..he he he!)face everyday, well all i can say is that it's a jungle out there...we sing the same song but the lyrics may be never cross my mind to ask for transfer to another school...for now..i really enjoy being here and being part of the school community...and oh, i will tell you about my mystical experiences here as well when come back next time...he he he...