Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Malaysia - Serene Retreat (Serene Retreat) - Serene Retreat

Best Drug Rehabilitation Services in Malaysia

Are you or your loved one struggling in overcoming the challenges of addiction or mental disorders? We at Serene Retreat are ready to motivate, educate, inspire and support you in your battle to overcome all kinds of drug addiction and mental disorders.

Serene Retreat’s drug rehabilitation center is amongst Asia’s best drug addiction and mental disorder rehab centers, recognized for providing a scientific evidence-based treatment program that is tailored to suit the client’s individual needs.

As a premiere alcohol, drug, and mental disorder treatment center in Malaysia, our passionate team members are carefully selected from across the globe to provide guidance and leadership for clients and families in these challenging times

The Serene Retreat Rehabilitation Center at Kuala Lumpur Malaysia welcomes anyone that knocks at our door for an opportunity to freedom from addiction. Our Programmes are equipped to deal with any type of addiction that you or your loved one is facing.

We offer psychological services and treatments for drug addiction, alcohol addiction, dual diagnosis, process addiction, gambling addiction, co-occurring disorders, chronic relapsing and also family therapy

Our Psychological Services & Treatments: